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October Filled with Blessing Bags Projects to Benefit Many

It takes a large volume of volunteers to get any event off the ground, and COVID-19 has not helped with the intricacies that come with planning large gatherings. Unfortunately homeless and others most in need have seen their requirements increase, leading volunteers to find ways to help even in these trying times. October sees The Blessing Bags Project tackling three major events and a host of other events to further bless those less fortunate or homeless in our community. Whether they are children bags needed to cheer up kids, ensure they have necessary items, or something to keep them busy blessing bags will be made available. Additionally, pregnant moms of middle and high school years requiring necessary supplies this month will see The Blessing Bags Project taking on providing bags for their use during this critical time. This is never possible without partnerships with other organizations, caring volunteers, and a host of donations. 

Just look at the list of amazing events for October: 

  • October 17, 2020           Myakka Backpack with Manatee County Rural Health 
  • October 24, 2020           National Day of Service for the Sarasota Business Exchange Group 
  • October 27 & 30, 2020           “Love Happens” with The Bridge Church 
  • October 20, 2020          In Seminole with a church group teaching them how to make Blessing Bags 
  • October 21, 2020          We will send 26 “Baby Bags” on The Compassion Bus from the First Church Nazarene Bradenton.           They will be distributed to middle and high school girls who are pregnant!  

Several of these events will be outside to help best accommodate social distancing needs. As we all learn a new normal, October and the end of the year with the cooling of temperatures, return to school and holidays pose some of the greatest need for the homeless and others disadvantaged in our communities. Whether you wish to get involved through donations only, volunteering, or maybe sponsoring an event The Blessing Bags Project welcomes your inquires.  Check out this website for ways to contact us, or drop off sites for donations.  Additionally, always stay up to date with the goings-on of the wonderful team on our Facebook page.  

Photo courtesy of Pixaby