The Blessing Bag Project Mission
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Kids’ Party at The Bradenton Elks Lodge 1511
The Blessing Bags Project is so happy to share these memories from the 2023 Christmas season during our Special Kids Party on December 16th, 2023.
Sharing some special memories
So this is where we all started in 2012. Feeding our downtown family on Christmas Day in Turning Points parking lot.
Children’s Ministry
Our Children’s Ministry is
the most rewarding project we do.
It began with one woman making us hand sewn bags to put children’s items in. Then we began receiving donations of Beanie Babies. Thanks to our posts on Facebook, people from all over the country began making bags and children’s quilts for us. Schools, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, churches, and families all have participated in this project by collecting items an making their own kid’s bags. Children are learning at a very young age how important it is to reach out into our community.