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Christmas 2020 for The Blessing Bags Project

December 24, 2019

Christmas this year will look unprecedented, and honestly unpredictable as to exactly what the rules for social distancing and other precautions brought on by COVID-19 will cause us to do differently. Yes, there probably won’t be any visits to Santa’s lap for pictures, and many family cards will feature a bright assortment of masks for the first time ever. Large gatherings such as the one that has occurred with the help of The Blessing Bags Project, sponsors, and donors in years past for the homeless and less fortunate of the Suncoast will not be possible. Thanks to the resourcefulness of amazing volunteers, adjustments are being made to ensure that the homeless and other populations served by this organization will get the holiday blessings to make the season as festive as possible.

Take a look at 2019’s Christmas Event


The industrious elves at The Blessing Bags Project are busy gathering volunteers, sponsors, and brainstorming ideas to help put on a wonderful drive through option this year. This will include breakfast, gifts, and even possibly a quick family snapshot with Santa. Keep your eyes peeled to the Facebook page for details as they start to trickle out to the community. If you know a child that should be on the list for a special Christmas treat from The Blessing Bags Project, please call or email the Betsy Halliwell Plante or the office at The Blessing Bags Project. 

While many will not have their friends and family around this holiday as in years past, the loss of jobs being at an unprecedented level will see elevated needs for the homeless, food insecurity, and other difficulties, worry most about this coming time of year.  A small donation of any amount pooled with so many others will help ensure that our community’s homeless have the necessities during this most trying end of the year. Time and again, our amazing community come together to prove why the Sarasota and Manatee County communities are the best places to live. Let’s do all we can this year to help make the season jolly for some of those who would otherwise have nothing to be cheerful for. 

PHONE: 941-720-1720

EMAIL: theblessingbags@aol.com


Photo courtesy of Pixaby and The Blessing Bags Project